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Cost-effective Facebook Marketing Packages

Top-notch Facebook Advertising Solutions for Indian Businesses If you’re seeking Facebook marketing packages in India, Atlantis Digital Technologies is your go-to Facebook Marketing Company. Our tailored Facebook Marketing Packages are designed to assist clients in achieving their marketing objectives through effective Facebook Advertising Campaigns.

Our Facebook Marketing Packages range from 10,000 INR to 25,000 INR per month. Discover more about the cost of Facebook ads in India by reading on.

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“Our skilled team of Facebook advertising specialists creates precise and outcome-focused campaigns, targeting potential customers based on location, interests, age, gender, and business category.

We develop an organic Facebook marketing strategy, creating captivating and high-quality posts to drive engagement on your Facebook page.

Partner with Atlantis Digital Technologies for top-notch Facebook promotion services. Our customized strategies cater to businesses of all kinds, ensuring effective brand-focused marketing. Experience our affordable Facebook marketing packages designed to suit your business needs.”

Facebook Marketing Packages

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7,000 INR / Monthly
Best for Small Business


Most Popular



12,600 INR / Monthly
Best for Mid Size Business


Good Value



19,600 INR / Monthly
Best for eCommerce Business


Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook Ads

Facebook ads have gained immense popularity as a marketing tool, but they come with their own set of pros and cons.

On the positive side, Facebook ads offer cost-effective advertising for small businesses. They allow you to target a specific audience that is already interested in your business. Interaction and engagement from viewers can be high. Additionally, you can target users who have liked your Facebook page or have connections to related pages.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider. Without proper knowledge, Facebook advertising can be costly. Ineffective ads may result in wasted time and money with minimal click-through rates. It is also crucial to be mindful of the content in your ads to avoid potential offense.

Is Facebook Advertising Right for You?

Are you a business owner seeking alternative ways to boost sales and tired of traditional marketing methods? Look no further than Facebook advertising.

With its massive user base, Facebook provides a platform for sponsored posts and a range of advertising options. From boosting posts to video ads and targeted audience segmentation by location and demographics, Facebook advertising is ideal for business pages, particularly local businesses aiming to reach their local community.

It helps businesses enhance brand awareness and effectively target their desired audience. Discover the benefits of Facebook Advertising and why it could be the right choice for your business.

Determining Your Facebook Ads, Budget

When it comes to investing in Facebook ads, the ideal amount depends on various factors unique to your business. Consider the following factors to determine your optimal budget:

Business Objectives

Define your marketing goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting conversions. The scope of your objectives will impact the required investment.

Target Audience

The size and reach of your target audience on Facebook influence your investment. A larger audience may require a higher budget to effectively reach and engage them, while a niche audience may necessitate a smaller investment.


Assess the level of competition in your industry or niche on Facebook. Higher competition may drive up costs, requiring a larger investment to stand out and reach your target audience effectively.

Testing and Optimization

Set aside a portion of your budget to conduct tests and optimize your Facebook ads. Experiment with different ad creatives, targeting options, and messaging to identify the most effective strategies. Regular testing and optimization help maximize your return on investment.

Budget Allocation

Consider your overall marketing budget and allocate a specific portion for Facebook ads. Start with a conservative budget and adjust it based on performance and results. Gradually increase your investment as you gain insights and see positive returns.

Cost per Result

Analyze Facebook’s cost-per-result metrics (e.g., CPC, CPM) to estimate potential costs. Use industry benchmarks and campaign goals to set realistic expectations.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Evaluate the potential ROI of your Facebook ads campaigns. Assess the value and profitability of the desired conversions or actions. Consider the potential revenue and business growth attributable to your ads.

Facebook Ads Pricing Options

When advertising on Facebook, you can choose from different pricing models. The main models are:


Cost per Click (CPC): You pay for each click on your ad, suitable for driving website traffic and generating leads. Set a maximum bid, and Facebook optimizes ad delivery within your budget.

Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM): You pay for every 1,000 ad impressions, ideal for brand awareness and reaching a broad audience. Set a maximum bid for 1,000 impressions, and Facebook maximizes delivery within your budget. Keep in mind that Facebook uses an auction system to determine ad placement and pricing. Specify your target audience, budget, and bidding strategy when setting up your campaign. Facebook considers factors like relevance, bid amount, and estimated action rates to determine ad display and price.

In addition to CPC and CPM, Facebook offers other pricing models like cost per action (CPA), where you pay for specific actions like purchases or lead form submissions.

Choose the pricing model that aligns with your campaign goals and select a bidding strategy that maximizes desired outcomes within your budget. Regular monitoring and optimization ensure cost-effectiveness and campaign success on Facebook.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Facebook Marketing with our Exclusive Packages:

Brand Amplification

Expand your brand’s reach and visibility with our comprehensive Brand Amplification package. We strategically position your brand in front of a larger audience, ensuring maximum exposure and recognition. Whether you’re a new business or launching a new product/service, our targeted approach will help your brand shine across Facebook platforms.

Traffic Surge

Drive a steady stream of high-quality traffic to your website or landing page with our Traffic Surge package. Our expert team optimizes your ad delivery to target users who are most likely to click through and explore your offerings. By increasing website visits, you’ll enhance your chances of generating leads and conversions.

Engage & Inspire

Ignite engagement and inspire meaningful interactions with our Engage & Inspire package. We create compelling content and optimize ad delivery to encourage likes, comments, and shares. By fostering active engagement, you’ll build a loyal community of followers and strengthen your brand’s presence on Facebook.

Lead Generation Mastery

Unlock the power of lead generation with our Lead Generation Mastery package. We design and implement effective lead-generation campaigns that capture valuable leads from your target audience. By offering enticing incentives and valuable content, we help you build a strong database of potential customers for future marketing efforts.

App Dominance

Propel your mobile app to new heights with our App Dominance package. We devise customized strategies to increase app installations and engagement. Through precise targeting and compelling ad creatives, we ensure your app reaches the right audience, driving downloads and boosting app visibility.

Catalog Sales Revolution

Revolutionize your e-commerce sales with our Catalog Sales Revolution package. We leverage the power of Facebook’s advertising platform to promote your products directly from your catalog. By reaching users who are most likely to make a purchase, we enhance your chances of driving sales and maximizing your revenue.

Unlock the potential of Facebook advertising for your business:

When it comes to social media platforms, Facebook stands out as the unrivaled leader with a staggering user base of approximately 2.93 billion individuals. Every second, around 6 new accounts are created on Facebook, making it a dynamic hub for connections and engagement. But what makes Facebook truly exceptional is its immense potential for advertising.

Here are the key reasons why you should embrace Facebook Advertising Services to empower your business:

  • Outshine Your Competitors
  • Targeted Reach at Lower Costs
  • Amplify Your Business Exposure
  • Boost Organic Traffic
  • Expand Your Marketing Campaign

Embrace the power of Facebook Advertising and tap into its vast potential to propel your business forward. With its unparalleled reach, precise targeting, and cost-effective solutions, Facebook offers a gateway to unparalleled marketing opportunities. Don’t miss out on the chance to stand out, engage your audience, and elevate your business to new heights. Partner with us to harness the full potential of Facebook Advertising and achieve remarkable results for your business.

Choose Atlantis Digital Technologies

A Top-Rated Facebook Marketing Company in India

When you hire Atlantis Digital Technologies, one of the leading Facebook marketing companies in India, you gain access to expert strategies and personalized solutions that will propel your business to success.

Curious why Facebook ads make a lasting impact on business owners? Let’s explore the reasons:

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Cost-Effective Advertising

Facebook ads deliver results without straining your budget.

Retargeting Capabilities

Benefit from Facebook’s retargeting options to reconnect with interested prospects.

Results-Driven Approach

Facebook ads generate tangible outcomes, driving growth for your business.

Valuable Analytics

Facebook provides valuable analytics tools to track and optimize the performance of your ads.

Extensive Reach

With a vast user base, Facebook captures a significant portion of your target audience.

Customizable CTA Buttons

Enhance the effectiveness of your Facebook ads with customized Call-to-Action buttons.

Are Facebook Ads Effective?

At Atlantis Digital Technologies, we understand that each business has unique requirements, which is why we tailor our social media marketing strategies accordingly. Whether you prefer targeting individuals or businesses, we offer customized Facebook Ads pricing to suit your specific goals.

The average cost per click for a Facebook ad ranges from $1.5 to $2.0, resulting in an average cost of $5-$7 per 1000 impressions. Furthermore, the average cost per click for B2C advertising falls between approximately $.51 to $2.26, while B2B advertising typically incurs a CPC of around $2.52.

Based on these statistics, it is evident that Facebook advertising offers a relatively cost-effective solution. However, the success of your campaigns depends on setting them up correctly to drive high-quality clicks and conversions. It is essential to work closely with your Facebook marketing company to explore their available Facebook marketing packages and make an informed decision to maximize your results.

At Atlantis Digital Technologies, we are committed to delivering optimal outcomes for your business through our expertise and tailored strategies.

What is the Cost of Our Facebook Marketing Packages?

Once you have a clear understanding of the cost of running Facebook ads for your business, you can explore the pricing of our Facebook ads management packages. We offer three fixed-price packages specifically designed to assist you in managing your business’s organic reach and advertising strategy effectively.

Facebook Marketing Packages

Small Business Facebook Marketing Packages


Per Month

Organic Facebook Management Plan

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Facebook Tabs Creation
  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Post on Page(1 Per Week)
  • Creation Of Facebook Polls/ Quiz
  • Sharing Post In Groups
  • Responding To Comments
  • Call To Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Influencer Research
  • Video Posting
  • Page Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 10,000 Rs
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 1
  • Ad Set – 1
  • Ads – 1
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report

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Midsize Business Facebook Marketing Packages


Per Month

Organic Facebook Management Plan

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Facebook Tabs Creation
  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Post on Page(2 Per Week)
  • Creation Of Facebook Polls/ Quiz
  • Sharing Post In Groups
  • Responding To Comments
  • Call To Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Influencer Research
  • Video Posting – 1 Per Month (Only 30 Sec)
  • Page Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000 Rs
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 2
  • Ad Set – 3
  • Ads – 6
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report

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ECommerce Business Facebook Marketing PackagesRecommended


Per Month

Organic Facebook Management Plan

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Facebook Tabs Creation
  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Post on Page(3 Per Week)
  • Creation Of Facebook Polls/ Quiz
  • Sharing Post In Groups
  • Responding To Comments
  • Call To Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Influencer Research
  • Video Posting – 1 Per Month (Only 30 Sec)
  • Page Monitoring
  • Competitors Analysis

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000+
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 3
  • Ad Set – 6
  • Ads – 10
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report

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What’s Included in Our Facebook Ads Pricing Packages?

At Atlantis Digital Technologies, we offer unique features and a result-oriented approach in our Facebook Advertising Packages, making us the top choice for Facebook Marketing Services in India. Below is an overview of our modus operandi for Facebook Advertising, designed to elevate our customers’ businesses to new heights.

Our Facebook Marketing Packages Include:

Experience the Difference with Facebook Advertising – Choose Us Today! If you’re looking for exceptional Facebook marketing services in India, there’s no better choice than Atlantis Digital Technologies. We provide outstanding services and proven results that will exceed your expectations.

Frequently asked questions

What are Facebook Marketing Packages?

Facebook Marketing Packages are comprehensive service offerings provided by Atlantis Digital Technologies to help businesses leverage the power of Facebook advertising and marketing. These packages include various strategies, campaigns, and services tailored to meet the specific marketing goals and requirements of businesses on the Facebook platform.

How can Facebook Marketing Packages benefit my business?

Facebook Marketing Packages can benefit your business by expanding your reach, increasing brand awareness, driving targeted traffic, generating leads, and boosting conversions. These packages are designed to optimize your Facebook advertising campaigns, engage with your audience, and achieve measurable results that contribute to the growth and success of your business.

What types of businesses can benefit from Facebook Marketing Packages?

Businesses of all types and sizes can benefit from Facebook Marketing Packages. Whether you are a small local business, an e-commerce store, a startup, or a multinational corporation, Facebook provides a powerful platform to connect with your target audience, build brand authority, and drive business growth.

How much do Facebook Marketing Packages cost?

The cost of Facebook Marketing Packages can vary depending on the specific package, the scope of services included, and the goals of your business. Atlantis Digital Technologies offers different pricing options to suit different budgets and business requirements. It is best to contact them directly for a personalized quote based on your specific needs.

Can I customize the Facebook Marketing Packages according to my business needs?

Yes, Atlantis Digital Technologies understands that each business has unique needs and goals. They offer customizable Facebook Marketing Packages to ensure they align with your specific requirements. You can work closely with their team to tailor the package to suit your budget, target audience, and marketing objectives.

What is included in Atlantis Digital Technologies' Facebook Marketing Packages?

Atlantis Digital TechnologiesFacebook Marketing Packages typically include services such as ad campaign setup and management, audience targeting, ad creative design, ad performance tracking and reporting, audience engagement strategies, and ongoing optimization to maximize results. The exact details of the package will depend on the specific package you choose.

How long does it take to see results with Facebook Marketing Packages?

The timeline for seeing results with Facebook Marketing Packages can vary depending on factors such as your industry, target audience, campaign goals, and the level of competition. However, with effective strategies and continuous optimization, you can expect to see improvements in brand visibility, engagement, and conversions within a few weeks or months of implementing the Facebook Marketing Packages.

Can I target a specific audience with Facebook Marketing Packages?

Absolutely! One of the key advantages of Facebook Marketing Packages is the ability to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Atlantis Digital Technologies will work with you to identify your target audience and develop effective targeting strategies to ensure your ads reach the right people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

What are the payment options for Facebook Marketing Packages?

Atlantis Digital Technologies offers flexible payment options for their Facebook Marketing Packages. You can discuss the available payment methods with their team and choose the one that suits your convenience. They aim to make the payment process seamless and hassle-free for their clients.

Do I need to have a Facebook Page to use Facebook Marketing Packages?

Yes, having a Facebook Page for your business is essential to fully utilize the benefits of Facebook Marketing Packages. If you don’t have a Facebook Page, Atlantis Digital Technologies can assist you in setting up a professional and engaging page that aligns with your brand identity and integrates seamlessly with your marketing campaigns.

Can I track the performance of my Facebook ads with Facebook Marketing Packages?

Absolutely! Atlantis Digital Technologies provides comprehensive tracking and reporting capabilities as part of their Facebook Marketing Packages. You will have access to key metrics and insights that allow you to monitor the performance of your Facebook ads, measure the success of your campaigns, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.

Are Facebook Marketing Packages suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Facebook Marketing Packages are well-suited for small businesses. In fact, Facebook advertising provides an affordable and highly targeted marketing solution for businesses of all sizes. Atlantis Digital Technologies understands the unique needs and challenges faced by small businesses and offers customized packages that cater to their specific requirements and budget constraints.

How can Atlantis Digital Technologies help me with Facebook ad campaign management?

Atlantis Digital Technologies has a team of experienced professionals who specialize in Facebook ad campaign management. They will handle all aspects of your Facebook ad campaigns, including ad creation, targeting, monitoring, and optimization. Their expertise and strategic approach ensure that your ads are optimized for maximum reach, engagement, and conversions.

Can Facebook Marketing Packages help me increase my brand's visibility?

Yes, Facebook Marketing Packages are designed to increase your brand’s visibility on the Facebook platform. Through targeted advertising, engaging content, and strategic marketing strategies, Atlantis Digital Technologies will help you create a strong brand presence on Facebook, reaching a wider audience and increasing awareness of your products or services.

Are there any additional benefits or features includedin Atlantis Digital Technologies' Facebook Marketing Packages?

Yes, Atlantis Digital Technologies offers additional benefits and features in their Facebook Marketing Packages to enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. These may include advanced audience targeting options, A/B testing for ad creatives, remarketing campaigns to re-engage with previous website visitors, custom audience creation, integration with other marketing platforms, and ongoing support and consultation from their experienced team of digital marketers. These added features aim to maximize your return on investment and deliver exceptional results for your Facebook advertising efforts.

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