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Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Marketing FAQ

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing refers to the online or Internet-based advertising or promotion of your company’s goods, services, or operations. Website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing techniques like blog authoring, video marketing, and email marketing are all part of the range of services that make up digital marketing. There are variations of the many sorts of digital marketing even within the aforementioned tactics.

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Nowadays, having a website is not sufficient. Everyone is competing with the huge amounts of traffic and users online, making the internet one of the most competitive spaces. Even while it is crucial and the base for your online marketing presence, a website is only that—a foundation. Promotion of your website through various digital marketing channels is crucial to differentiating your company and giving you the best chance to draw a new visitor who will ideally become a client.
Digital marketing is the way to advertise your company’s name and the products or services you need to compete with local, national, and even international rivals for customers.

How do I know how much to spend on my company's digital marketing efforts?

There is no definitive recommendation for how much general marketing expenses should be, however, it is often suggested to be between 10 and 20 percent of total sales. Calculating the return on investment of any marketing expenditure is one of the most crucial figures. The only incorrect amount to invest in digital marketing is zero dollars. Being active is far preferable to being inactive.

How do I get my business started with Atlantis Digital Technologies?

In order to get started you have a few different options:
1. DM us on our Facebook, Twitter, Insta and other social media platforms
2. Email us at
3. Submit a form on our website on our Contact Page
4. Call us at +91 (708) 801-1114

Why should I hire Atlantis Digital Technologies to perform digital marketing services for my business?

Atlantis Digital Technologies will be your right-hand marketing team, an all-in-one digital marketing firm. We are a Google Certified Partner that understands how to get results for your company. We promise to do everything in our power to provide your company with a strong and successful marketing staff that is driven to help your company succeed.

Website Design FAQ

Will my business website be optimized for different sizes?

Yes, we optimize all of our website designs and developments for the five common screen widths (large desktop, laptop, tablet, phablet, and mobile phone). We place a lot of attention on making sure that your website functions well across all possible screens because more than 50% of website traffic originates from mobile devices.

What should be included on my business website?

In general, websites should have the following pages: Home, About the Company, Services/Products offered, Case Studies/Testimonials, Blog, and a Contact Us page. Of course, this depends on the type of business you are in.
Don’t worry if you’re unsure of what should be on your website. To ensure that we are adding all of the precise pages you require to make your product or service shine, our team of professionals constantly does a deep-dive into your company.

Why are your website a bit expensive? I can find a freelancer to build one for cheaper.

Our websites, in our opinion, are the world’s top commercial websites. Our websites are different from those of the “other guys” since we are businesspeople who use digital marketing to expand your company. The majority of digital agencies fall under the “creative agency” or “design agency” categories.
When creating your online presence, we consider how your website will make money. We then employ a conversion-oriented design approach and ensure that your website is technically set up to rank for the keywords that apply to your business. Our websites are professional, minimalist, conversion-focused, SEO-optimized, and built to expand your company by bringing in new customers and increasing sales.

Do I get a say in the creative design of my business website?

Of course! All of our projects start with a design phase that is based on a website questionnaire that takes into account your likes and tastes. The other great part? We design until we get it right, which means no revision limitations like most other companies place on their website designs.

What is the difference between a good and a bad business website?

Good websites convert visitors into buyers, appear in search results, and give the user the freedom to operate the platform with ease. The exact opposite is what bad websites do. To ensure that you understand what you are doing and can keep using your business investment, we construct the good kind and train you on how to utilize the platform after development.

Do you provide any business website warranty or guarantee?

Yes. We always stand by the quality of our goods and services. We typically have a 30-day bug testing window during which we can work out any bugs or problems we might be having. But if something suddenly breaks on your website, we’ll be there to fix it and get you back online, given that the problem wasn’t created by another developer who was working on the site at the time.

Search Engine Optimization FAQ

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization a.k.a. SEO, is the process of optimizing a website in order to improve its ranking on search engines like Google and make it more easily found by users. This typically involves making changes to the website’s content, design, and structure in order to make it more appealing to search engines. By making a website more visible on search engines, businesses can increase the amount of traffic they receive from potential customers who are searching for their products or services.

Why is SEO so important?

it makes your online presence and visibility considerably more prominent, SEO is crucial. When we work on SEO strategies, we provide useful content and social proof that directs online people back to your company. This inbound marketing technique is highly effective and will help you connect with clients you might not have previously been able to. Your company may grow exponentially and become an unstoppable force online with a solid SEO plan.

How quickly will I see SEO results?

It varies, and we make no promises. Anyone who does promise you something is essentially a snake-oil salesperson. SEO requires patience, persistence, and time. Since these are simpler to rank for when we first start, we often target lower competitive keywords with average quantities of traffic. We will begin to target the more competitive keywords as time goes on and we make progress on the less competitive keywords.

Ranking gains can typically be shown after three to six months, with persistent impacts appearing after about a year. The beauty is that, if maintained, SEO rankings will be very advantageous for you in the future and will generate fantastic ROI over time. Doing nothing at all is the only mistake you can make in terms of SEO.

Why do search engine rankings change so often?

Because search engines are continuously working to improve and give people better information, rankings might fluctuate often. Because of this, SEO ranking variables are always being modified. This is why it’s crucial to have someone like us keep an eye on your online presence and adapt your strategy as necessary when elements affecting internet search rankings change.

What activities does a SEO strategy consist of?

A comprehensive SEO strategy includes a variety of elements, but some of them are, to name a few, on-page technical SEO configuration, content rewriting for SEO purposes, the use of meta tags and rich snippets, blog writing, press release writing, informational content writing, guest blogging, social media marketing, video marketing, and content distribution.

What is the difference between local and national SEO?

Local SEO is centered on keyword searches that incorporate a specific geographic area. For instance, an auto repair shop in Southern California would not welcome traffic from New York because they could not provide this client with the necessary services. Keywords with the format “auto repair shop orange county” may be targeted by local SEO.

The exact reverse is true with national SEO. National SEO focuses on a nationwide campaign and more generic, non-geographic keywords. An e-commerce business that sells products nationally rather than locally would benefit the most from a national SEO effort.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising FAQs

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Using pay-per-click advertising, we can direct visitors to your website by placing adverts on search engines or other websites. When someone clicks on your advertisement, you are billed for this traffic. Our responsibility is to ensure that your ad campaigns are properly set up to get the precise kind of traffic you desire to your website. By doing this, you can prevent your budget from being squandered on unnecessary traffic. To reduce the cost per click, raise your click-through rate, and boost conversation rates, we continuously track and tweak your campaign.

How do we accomplish this? To find the ideal formula, we regularly test various factors and ad formats while creating highly targeted advertising campaigns. Additionally, we guarantee that the landing pages on your website are ideally set up to convert visitors as soon as they arrive.

What's the difference between SEO and PPC?

Organic traffic that you DO NOT PAY FOR is brought to your website by SEO efforts. PPC, or pay-per-click, directs purchased visitors to your website. Unlike PPC, which is more of a short traffic boost that does not have the same long-lasting effects, SEO is a long-term effort with enduring rewards.

What network do you perform Pay-Per-Click Advertising services on?

We provide pay-per-click advertising services for the following search ad networks: Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertising, Twitter Advertising, LinkedIn Advertising, YouTube Advertising, Bing Ads Network, and Google Search and Display Network.

What are the benefit of advertising with PPC ads?

The benefit of advertising with PPC advertisements is that you know you will be driving relevant traffic to your website. Unlike an SEO campaign, PPC advertisements generate traffic almost instantaneously. The difference is that PPC campaigns are more expensive because you are paying for the click and for the management of the campaign. One of the greatest benefits of a PPC campaign is that we get data instantaneously that tells us whether our advertising is working or not and how we can make adjustments to make sure that it is performing better.

How will I know that if my PPC are working and which ones are performing best?

You will be set up on a cutting-edge campaign dashboard via our website, similar to our SEO campaigns. This dashboard will include real-time statistics, graphs, and data on the effectiveness of your campaign. Every month, we will review these outcomes with you in order to ensure that we are continually enhancing the campaign’s efforts.

Social Media Marketing FAQs

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a type of digital marketing that makes use of the strength of well-known social media platforms to meet your branding and marketing objectives. However, it goes beyond simply setting up company accounts and posting whenever you feel like it. Social media marketing calls for an adaptable plan with quantifiable objectives.

Which social media accounts do you manage for my business?

We manage and develop content for the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.

What type of activities do you perform on my social media accounts?

All of our social media marketing initiatives involve user engagement, post-production, content generation, and actions aimed at boosting your company’s visibility on social media platforms. In order to expand the pool of possible customers we may reach each time we post, we also seek to improve your follower and like numbers.

Do I have to give you access to my social media accounts?

Yes, in order for us to perform our duties properly, we require that you enable us access to your accounts.

Why is it important for my business to be active on social media?

Social networking is a fantastic tool to continually reach out to potential customers. It is also a fantastic venue for raising brand awareness and visibility. Before a consumer is ready to take action with our firm, it is said that we need to interact with them nearly 17 times. A consistent message and presence with your potential clients can be maintained using social media. Your customers anticipate that you will be active on social media, and the site gives you a chance to promote your company. Social networking is a fantastic tool for connecting and interacting with current clients and swaying potential ones.

Do I need to be on all of the social media networks?

No. Various businesses kinds benefit more from using particular social media platforms. The appropriate social media platforms for your company and its objectives will be determined after we have thoroughly examined your organization. We ensure that you are watching networks that are worth your time and money’s worth.