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Technical SEO Packages

Top-rated technical SEO experts offering the best technical SEO packages to fix and improve your website’s SEO score. Hire our experts now for optimized technical SEO solutions.

Budget-friendly Technical SEO Packages

Discover affordable and top-quality technical SEO packages at Atlantis Digital Technologies, the premier provider in India. Our specialized packages are designed to meet the needs of companies aiming for higher rankings on SERPs. With our expertise and knowledge, we have developed exceptional technical SEO packages that greatly boost your website’s online visibility.

What services are included in our technical SEO packages?

Our technical SEO packages comprise a comprehensive range of services aimed at improving the technical aspects of your website for enhanced visibility and accessibility to search engines.

These packages typically consist of a detailed website audit to identify technical issues, optimization of site architecture for smooth crawling and indexing, and mobile optimization to ensure a mobile-friendly and optimized experience. Additionally, our packages may encompass page speed optimization, content optimization, technical fixes, XML sitemap creation and submission, and robots.txt optimization.

By addressing these critical technical elements, our packages are designed to boost your website’s search engine visibility and rankings while ensuring compliance with search engine guidelines.

Why Choose Atlantis Digital Technologies for Technical SEO Packages?

When it comes to improving your online presence, Atlantis Digital Technologies stands out as a top digital marketing agency offering exceptional technical SEO packages. With a team of skilled professionals specializing in technical SEO, we have the expertise to optimize crucial aspects of your website, including site speed, mobile responsiveness, structured data, and more. By leveraging our technical SEO packages, businesses can achieve higher search engine rankings and attract organic traffic.

We understand the importance of customization and tailor our strategies to align with your specific business objectives. With transparent pricing and outstanding customer service, Atlantis Digital Technologies is a reliable partner for any business seeking to enhance their technical SEO.

The Significance of Technical SEO

When it comes to your website, attracting and engaging visitors is crucial. While valuable content is important, technical SEO should not be overlooked. Technical SEO involves optimizing various technical elements of your website, such as loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and structured data, to improve its ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Prioritizing technical SEO not only enhances the user experience by making your website easier to navigate and engage with but also increases the chances of visitors staying longer, leading to improved conversions and business outcomes. Additionally, technical SEO helps search engines crawl and index your site more efficiently, increasing its visibility on SERPs. So, while content quality is vital, remember the significance of technical SEO in creating a successful website that both visitors and search engines will appreciate.

Benefits of Technical SEO Packages

Investing in technical SEO packages offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance a website’s online presence and performance. These packages are designed to optimize critical technical aspects such as website speed, mobile responsiveness, structured data, and more, providing an exceptional user experience and increasing visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

By improving technical SEO, businesses can attract more organic traffic, reduce bounce rates, and increase engagement, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and improved business outcomes.

Technical SEO packages also ensure that search engines can easily crawl and index website pages, resulting in better rankings on SERPs. Additionally, these packages identify and address technical issues that may hinder website performance. Overall, opting for technical SEO packages empowers companies to achieve their digital marketing goals and gain a competitive edge.

Looking for Technical SEO Packages? Contact Us

At Atlantis Digital Technologies, we adopt a thorough approach to technical SEO. We conduct a detailed analysis of your website’s structure, identifying any potential factors that may be adversely impacting your rankings. Our team then formulates strategies and implements proven tactics to effectively address these issues.

We continuously monitor the progress and make necessary adjustments as required to ensure optimal results. Get in touch with us today for top-notch technical SEO solutions.

Technical SEO Packages

Basic Or Small Business SEO Packages


Per Month
  • Website Audit Analysis
  • HTTPS Migration
  • Implementing SSL (Security Socket Layer)
  • Website Loading Speed Optimization
  • Redirect Auditing
  • Duplicate Content Analysis
  • Canonicalization
  • 3ХХ HTTP Errors – Max 10 Pages
  • 4XX HTTP Errors – Max 10 Pages
  • 5XX HTTP Erros – Max 10 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Title Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Title Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Description Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Description Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple H1 Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Same Title & H1 Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Missing, Empty & Too Long H2 Tags Error – Max 20 Pages
  • Alt Text Missing Error – Max 20 Pages
  • No Inbound Link Error


  • Email
  • Chat
  • Call

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Advance Or Mid Size Business SEO Packages


Per Month
  • Website Audit Analysis
  • HTTPS Migration
  • Implementing SSL (Security Socket Layer)
  • Website Loading Speed Optimization
  • Redirect Auditing
  • Duplicate Content Analysis
  • Canonicalization
  • 3ХХ HTTP Errors – Max 20 Pages
  • 4XX HTTP Errors – Max 20 Pages
  • 5XX HTTP Erros – Max 20 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Title Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Title Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Description Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Description Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple H1 Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Same Title & H1 Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Missing, Empty & Too Long H2 Tags Error – Max 30 Pages
  • Alt Text Missing Error – Max 30 Pages
  • No Inbound Link Error


  • Email
  • Chat
  • Call

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Enterprise Or E-Commerce Business SEO PackagesRecommended


Per Month
  • Website Audit Analysis
  • HTTPS Migration
  • Implementing SSL (Security Socket Layer)
  • Website Loading Speed Optimization
  • Redirect Auditing
  • Duplicate Content Analysis
  • Canonicalization
  • 3ХХ HTTP Errors – Max 30 Pages
  • 4XX HTTP Errors – Max 30 Pages
  • 5XX HTTP Erros – Max 30 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Title Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Title Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple Description Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Too Short & Too Long Description Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Missing, Duplicate & Multiple H1 Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Same Title & H1 Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Missing, Empty & Too Long H2 Tags Error – Max 50 Pages
  • Alt Text Missing Error – Max 50 Pages
  • No Inbound Link Error


  • Email
  • Chat
  • Call

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Frequently asked questions

What is technical SEO and why is it important?

Technical SEO refers to optimizing the technical aspects of a website to improve its visibility and performance on search engines. It is crucial because it helps search engines understand and crawl your site effectively, resulting in higher rankings and better user experience.

What does a technical SEO audit involve?

A technical SEO audit involves a comprehensive analysis of your website’s technical elements, such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, crawlability, structured data, and more. It helps identify any issues or areas that need improvement for better search engine performance.

How can technical SEO improve website speed?

Technical SEO can improve website speed by optimizing factors like server response time, image compression, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, caching, and leveraging browser caching. These optimizations ensure faster loading times and a better user experience.

What is structured data, and why is it important for SEO?

Structured data is a standardized format that helps search engines understand the content and context of a webpage. By implementing structured data markup, you provide search engines with additional information about your website, which can lead to rich snippets and enhanced visibility in search results.

Can technical SEO improve mobile responsiveness?

Yes, technical SEO can improve mobile responsiveness by implementing responsive web design, optimizing viewport settings, using mobile-friendly navigation, and ensuring proper rendering across different devices. This enhances the user experience for mobile users and aligns with search engines‘ mobile-first indexing.

What are XML sitemaps, and how do they benefit SEO?

XML sitemaps are files that list all the pages of your website and provide important metadata to search engines. They help search engines crawl and index your site more efficiently, improving your website’s visibility and ensuring all relevant pages are indexed.

Can technical SEO help with website security?

Yes, technical SEO plays a role in website security. Implementing SSL certificates, configuring HTTPS, and securing your website against common vulnerabilities can enhance your website’s security, protect user data, and potentially boost search engine rankings.

What are canonical tags, and why are they important for SEO?

Canonical tags are HTML elements used to indicate the preferred version of a webpage when multiple versions with similar content exist. They help prevent duplicate content issues and consolidate ranking signals, ensuring that search engines understand the canonical version of a page.

How does schema markup impact SEO?

Schema markup is a form of structured data that offers supplementary context and information to search engines regarding your content. It can improve the visibility of your website in search results by enabling rich snippets, such as star ratings, reviews, and other enhanced displays.

How long does it take to see results from technical SEO efforts?

The time it takes to see results from technical SEO efforts can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the website, the extent of technical issues, and the competitiveness of the industry. Generally, significant improvements can be observed within a few weeks to a few months, but ongoing optimization is recommended for long-term success.

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